Monday, February 27, 2017

2017 PSE Lobby Week

   Make Your Voice Heard! 
Come to Olympia
April 5, 2017!

Registration Ends March 10

Legislators need the opportunity to meet YOU to know the important work you do and only you can impress on them why they should fund your work!

Bellingham Bus            April 5th, 2017

Multiple pick-up places

Sehome Haggens-                                          8:30am Leave
210 36th St, Bellingham

Mt. Vernon Denny’s                                     9:15Am Leave
100 East College Way

Everett Memorial Stadium                            10:00am Leave
3900 Broadway (lower parking lot- check)

Arrive In Olympia                                       NOON

Leave Olympia  to return                              3pm

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