Member Benefits

Consumer discounts

PSE members now have access to a whole menu of consumer discounts as a result of our affiliation with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). No membership card or ID is required to access these discounts and special offers. Read more about consumer services available to PSE members. For more information about the Union Plus program, visit the Union Plus website or call 1-800-452-9425 or 202-293-5330.

Emergency Relief Program 

PSE’s Emergency Relief program offers financial assistance to members in need. Each year, this fund provides help to members dealing with natural disasters, serious family illnesses and death. For more information, visit thEmergency Relief Program page.


Online workshops on member rights and skills for working with contracts and managing union business are offered by your union. If your chapter needs financial officer training on basic record keeping, auditing and financial planning, look to the SEIU website for information.


Each year, the PSE Scholarship Committee awards $5,000 to PSE members and their dependents for college and continuing education and vocational studies. Applications are available in the fall. Additionally, PSE members are eligible for SEIU’s scholarships. For more information, visit the Scholarships page.

Lawyer Referral Program

Receive quality, affordable legal services for virtually any consumer legal issue. If you need legal advice, have to sign a complicated document, or if you’ve ever bought something that turned out to be a “lemon,” this service is available to you. Contact any PSE office and request a lawyer referral. Lawyer Referral Program